Several years ago, in the midst of the Atomic Age, a city of dreams was built. Powered by nuclear, solar, and wind energy, it contained monorails, electric busses, personal airships, and gleaming towers that touched the clouds. It was a vision come to life.
In the generations to come, it became the home of home of Earth's only superheroes, Team Tempest. They were powerful, near-immortals led by the living legend known as the Phenom.
The Phenom was born of the Earth and was bestowed the powers of the universe. He defeated the Nazis, the demonic Church of the Leatheryne, and the mysterious alien force known as Pangea. He now worked behind the scenes as Team Tempest's leader and last line of defense.
Lady Light was an angel of unimaginable beauty and charm. She could summon burning light and wormholes crossing great cities. Her wings carried her high above the Earth. Unable to speak, she communicated by telepathy.
Phantasi was a shapeshifter who could assume any form she touched. She could mix and match superpowers when necessary, but needed fresh DNA the more she burned out her abilities. Her time in multiple identities left her with fractured memories.
Mother Lodestone was a highly-paid model with the power of magnetism at her disposal. She could attract and repel most forms of metal. She was also highly adept at computer hacking and engineering.
Max Hydro possessed the power of hydrokinesis. He could command water to burst from pipes or create tidal waves. He served as the team's doctor and worked in multiple fields of science. He and Mother Lodestone were once lovers.
Pulse Pounder lived fast and dangerous. She was a long-legged speedster with time-bending abilities that allowed her to run circles around everyone. She also had a bad habit of tempting fate in and out of battle, endangering herself and others.
Knight-Beast was a cybernetic werewolf from parts unknown. His tracking abilities and intimidating appearance were a boon to the team. He seemed to cater to Mother Lodestone and Max Hydro, keeping the two of them together for the benefit of the team.
While Tempest City was often quiet and peaceful, an underground movement of villains and anti-heroes was threatening to explode. Various factions were at odds with another on how to defeat Team Tempest and win over control over the city.
A sorcerer known as the Red Knight stepped up to bat. He represented long-time rivals of the Phenom. He offered them the powers they needed to defeat Team Tempest in exchange for the loyalty to his organization.
Foolishly, they accepted. They were transformed into brainless, Frankenstein-like brutes who knew only rage. The Red Knight unleashed them into the streets to destroy all of Tempest City and tear apart Team Tempest.
As the city fell into chaos, the Phenom was hard-pressed to contain the situation with only a handful of people at his disposal. It was time to use his powers to their maximum extent. While nearly all-powerful, he could only appear at one place at one time unless he split himself into a hundred, powerful-but-weaker duplicates of himself.
The Red Knight had set the trap. Tracking the Phenom's energy signature, he was able to sneak through the city by teleportation and vaporized the Phenom clones. Each death left Phenom-Prime weaker and more vulnerable.
Eventually, only Phenom-Prime remained. Although stronger than the rest, he was not in the position to counter the Red Knight's magic. He was saved by the timely appearance of Lady Light and the rest of the team. Acting as one, they were able to beat down the Red Knight despite his magicks and keep him away from the Phenom. The damage being done, the Red Knight vanished, laughing that he had already won.
The Phenom was fading fast. Max Hydro did what he could to save him, but he was beyond even his science and medical know-how. With the last of his lifeforce, he passed on his energies to the one member of the team that could carry on in his place... Phantasi. The Phenom died within the hour.
With the Red Knight gone, the villains were powerless once again and left for parts unknown. As the fires simmered down, the rubble was removed, and the people came out of hiding, things seemed to return to normal. Sadly, they wouldn't.
The funeral was attended by thousands. His body was laid to rest in a secret location far, far away from human eyes. It only seemed right his body be returned to the place of his birth.
As the team said their final good-byes and turned away to the wormhole, Phantasi made the Phenom one final promise. She would continue on in his place and avenge his murder. Morphing her body to assume his massive form, she took to the sky and disappeared from the team seemingly forever...
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